Monday, August 22, 2011

Taking Driving Lessons In Leyland

Some questions that you should ask yourself when you are looking for a driving school in Leyland.

Do you live in Leyland or attend college in Leyland
Do you WANT to learn to drive (may sound silly but still ask yourself)
Which instructor do you want to use
What kind of car do you want to drive.

1. It is more sensible to use an instructor who lives in a similar area to yourself or to where you attend college as they are much more likely to be able to offer you a good deal with sensible pricing than someone who has to travel quite a distance before they get to where you wish to be picked up.

2. This might sound like a really silly question as why else would you be searching for a website about driving lessons. If you are only learning to drive because you feel it is something that you should do rather than want to do or someone in your family or circle of friends has said that it is something that you must do, you will not learn as quickly as you would if it was something that you personally really desired to do.

3. If you are going to take paid for driving lessons you will have to find an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) or PDI (which is a trainee who hasn't yet become a full ADI and is still learning how to do the job so is not yet on the full register and will not have the same experience as a full ADI). It is a legal requirement for someone who is taking payment for teaching driving skills and giving driving lessons that they be ADI registered and if this is not the case then they are breaking the law and can be fined up to £2000.

4. You can choose a driving school car that is either manual or an automatic when you take your test. If you then do pass your test in a manual car you will have a choice of driving a car with either a manual or an automatic gearbox, but if you pass your test in a car with an automatic gearbox you will only be able to drive a car with an automatic gearbox. Should you later decide that you would like to drive a car with a manual gearbox then you will need to take a further practical driving test to qualify to drive a manual car. By this time you will more than likely have picked up quite a few bad driving habits that you will have to stop and this could easily require taking more driving lessons in Leyland in a driving school car that has a manual gearbox.

You should look at my website and also my blog on

Well that is a brief outline of some of the reasons and logic behind chosing to taking driving lessons in a driving school car in Leyland.

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dhoottraining said...

Before you pursue for the lesson be sure to have the comfort level to the car which you are driving. It might be possible that you won't be getting this chance but the best instructor always gives this opportunity to have your comfort.

Driver CPC

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